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11-14 JUNE 2025


Uniting Innovation and Expertise for the Future of Maxillofacial Surgery.

11-14 JUNE 2025


Uniting Innovation and Expertise for the Future of Maxillofacial Surgery.

1st EACMFS Junior Surgeon Conference

The SICMF 2025 Congress will be the first MaxilloFacial congress during which an entire session will be dedicated to young Maxillofacial Surgeons belonging to the European Society (EACMFS). This special session will provide a unique platform for junior surgeons to share their insights, research, and experiences, contributing to the advancement of the field. The young surgeons will discuss a wide range of topics relevant to maxillofacial surgery, combining theoretical lectures with practical aspects, including live surgical procedures. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to witness these live procedures and engage in discussions on various aspects of surgical techniques, innovations, and challenges faced in live surgery. This initiative aims to promote learning, collaboration, and inspiration among the next generation of maxillofacial surgeons, fostering a community of growth and expertise within the European context.



1. Competition Overview

The SICMF CUP is a competition designed to challenge specialists while also providing training opportunities. All Italian schools of specialization in maxillofacial surgery are invited to participate, including their associated locations. Each team will consist of 3 specialists. The jury, composed of 3 members, will evaluate the teams’ performance.

2. Structure of the Competition

Each team will present 3 questions, one per specialist, on various topics related to maxillofacial surgery. For each of the 3 questions, the teams will need to provide 2 PowerPoint presentations:
  • First Presentation: 2 slides including the presentation of the question and multiple-choice answers (A-B-C-D-E).
  • Second Presentation: 2 slides showing the correct answer highlighted, along with an explanation.
Each team will have 30 seconds to answer each question.

3. Evaluation and Awarding

At the end of the tournament, the jury will meet to assign scores and determine the winning team. In the event of a tie, the tied teams will face an open-ended clinical question to decide the winner. The 3 residents from the school that ranks first will be awarded.


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